By this point in the school year, most everyone has reached or is approaching the end of the first nine weeks of the school year. The report card grades will soon be coming in and It's a good time to congratulate your student(s) on the skills they mastered and also reflect on what skills...
It’s that time of the school year again where the official end to the first nine weeks is here and more than likely you have received instructions from your child’s teacher for options to set up a parent teacher conference. I’ve noticed lots of questions and comments from...
The digital age is in full force in schools across the country as students are more frequently completing and turning in assignments online rather than with paper and pencil. Despite the nature of math being a show your work subject, it is not an exception to the online shift currently...
As an adult, have you ever looked at a math problem and thought, I know I learned how to do this in school, BUT I can’t remember how to do it now!? We all have been there! This happens not only in math, but also in other subject areas and in tasks we encounter in life. There is...
We've all been there. Finally reaching that point at the end of the day where you are home from all of the running around, everyone is fed and settling in, and as a glimpse of taking a moment to exhale comes into view so does your child and they say the dreaded words, "I have a math test...
Have you ever found yourself ready to throw that laptop you're using to search for an explanation for how to solve your child’s math homework against the wall while thinking, Why can’t they just multiply the normal way? Or desperately tried to help them with their math homework while...
As the school year plunges forward, it won’t be long before the math homework starts to make its way to your table (if it hasn’t already). In grades 3rd - 6th, homework usually consists of reading independently in order to meet a reading goal, or math worksheets. This...
As a teacher and math fanatic, if there is one thing I love it’s witty math themed t-shirts and I have a closet full of them! Recently while scrolling through my Facebook feed an ad came up that had a few that caught my eye including one that really triggered me that said...
Just like that, here we are in full blown Back to School season! There is so much to do and think about and it's likely that your child is also getting hyped up worrying about who their teacher(s) will be and if they will get lucky enough to have their closest friends in their class. With...
When it comes to teaching a student or helping your child in math, having credible accessible resources at your fingertips is critical. For a student to master and retain a new math skill, they need quality instruction and modeling from a teacher, guided practice, independent practice and...
Dear First Year Teacher,
We see you. You have a heart of gold and dreams to use the power of education to make a meaningful difference in the lives of students. You want to inspire, motivate and empower them to reach their full potential so that they can in turn make a positive impact on the...
Dear Parents and Teachers,
Already the store aisles are full of loose-leaf paper and folders and there are little bins popping up in between to hold glue sticks, pencils and markers. As a teacher I see these and mentally note that I need to start getting my act together and prepare for...