Word Problems Unlocked

Word Problems? No Problem. Help your student be ready this school year with Word Problems Unlocked.


Ignite Learning Company's Word Problems Unlocked is an online learning program for students in grades 3-6.

A student's ability to solve word problems directly impacts their success in math. Word Problems Unlocked will help kids learn how to read & interpret word problems, then provide step-by-step instructions for how to solve them so they can start this school year with confidence.

Over 80 examples and practice word problems are covered in 22 videos, and you also get a comprehensive guide with strategies, cheat sheets, visual organizers & equations to use throughout the school year.

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Word Problems  


Word Problems? No Problem. Help your student be ready this school year with Word Problems Unlocked.


Ignite Learning Company's Word Problems Unlocked is an online learning program for students in grades 3-6.

A student's ability to solve word problems directly impacts their success in math. Word Problems Unlocked will help kids learn how to read & interpret word problems, then provide step-by-step instructions for how to solve them so they can start this school year with confidence.

Over 80 examples and practice word problems are covered in 22 videos, and you also get a comprehensive guide with strategies, cheat sheets, visual organizers & equations to use throughout the school year.

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Why Word Problems?

We're on a mission to help students in grades 3-6 overcome learning gaps in math with high-quality instruction focused on building skills in areas where the most common problems in learning occur. 


Word Problems Are One of the Most Challenging Parts of Math.

When we asked upper elementary teachers for the top 3 most challenging areas for their students, one topic came up again and again: Word Problems. It's not surprising - word problems are inherently difficult because there are so many steps students must get right in order to arrive at a correct answer. Even students who otherwise enjoy math often become frustrated and give up when confronted with a word problem.


Success in Math is Measured by a Student's Ability to Solve Word Problems.

To measure a student's ability to understand and apply math in real-world situations, assessments turn to word problems. Just visit your state’s assessment website and look at the math practice tests or even test questions released from previous years, and you will see that the majority of questions are... you guessed it, word problems!


Most Students Are Being Taught the Wrong Way to Approach Word Problems.

In the classroom, students are often taught the strategy of looking for keywords in the problem to determine what operation to use to solve it. This is is somewhat effective in the early elementary years of mathematics but becomes extremely unreliable in the upper elementary grades and into middle school leaving students feeling even more frustrated and defeated.

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What's Included in

Word Problems Unlocked

for 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Grade Students


Investing in helping your child learn how to successfully interpret and solve different kinds of math word problems is the most beneficial thing you can do to have an impact on their overall math proficiency. Whether your student visibly cringes when they see a word problem, just needs a little extra help or you want to give them a head start on one of the most challenging parts of math, this is the place to get started. 

The Word Problems Unlocked Program

Research-backed strategy for identifying word problems based on schema or type, not keywords

 Step-by-step instruction on how to solve the 5 most common types of word problems seen in 3rd - 6th grade (*6th graders will learn a 6th type of problem)

 A total of 22 videos designed to follow the evidence-based teaching practice of explicit instruction in which new math skills are taught through 1.) initial instruction, 2.) teacher-guided practice and 3.) independent practice

 Over 90 word problems covering addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

 Reusable resources such as printable guide posters of strategies, visual organizers and equations that your student will use to solve problems throughout and after this course

 Comprehensive guide with course schedule, answer keys and tips for success

After completing the course, your student will be tackling word problems with confidence instead of panic because they know exactly what steps to take to arrive at a correct answer.

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How Does It Work?

Each lesson in Word Problems Unlocked has 3 videos, designed to follow the evidence-based teaching practice of explicit instruction in which learning new math skills are taught through the following steps: 1) initial instruction, 2) teacher-guided practice, and 3) independent practice.

Engaging Video Lesson

The first video in each lesson introduces students to one of the common types of word problems. They will learn how to recognize the pattern for that type of problem, as well as what steps to take to solve it. The teacher goes over several examples so students can see problem-solving in action.

Teacher-Guided Practice

For the second video, students will grab their lesson worksheet and solve problems alongside the teacher. This gives them a chance to put what they're learning into practice as they follow along and build confidence in their problem solving skills. 

Independent Practice & Review

Don't you hate that feeling when you get something wrong, but don't know why? After completing their homework sheet, students can watch this video to see each homework problem being worked out by the teacher. This way, they can check their work and see which problems they got right as well as the correct way to solve any problem they may have missed.

Everything is Online:

No Running Around Required.


Your life is busy enough. All course materials, including videos, worksheets, guides, and additional helpful resources are within your online member portal 24/7. Access whenever and wherever works best for your family.




is Online:

No Running Around Required.


Your life is busy enough. All course materials, including videos, worksheets, guides, and additional helpful resources are within your online member portal 24/7. Access whenever and wherever works best for your family.



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FREE Guide to Solving Math Word Problems

Word problems can feel like a guessing game to many students, but they don't have to be. Did you know that most word problems students will solve in grades 3rd - 6th can be broken down into just 6 different types? In this guide, you'll learn ALL the secrets on the 6 types of word problems including what they are, how to identify them and how to solve them. 

Get Your Free Guide Now!

Word problems can feel like a guessing game to many students, but did you know that most word problems students will solve in grades 3rd - 6th can be broken down into just 6 different types? In this guide, you'll learn ALL the secrets on the 6 types of word problems including what they are, how to identify them and how to solve them. 

Get Your Free Guide Now

Is an online course right for your student?


Finding help for your student in math can be a challenge. While there are an overwhelming number of options, it is often hard to find the one that seems just right for your child.

At Ignite Learning Company, we believe that there are many advantages to an online digital course for students, from more in-depth instruction to the ability to go back and rewatch lessons if needed to help with the actual homework they're doing for class. 

Word Problems Unlocked is part of our Unlocked online course series and was created with these 4 pillars of value in mind for today's families and students: Comprehensive, Quality Instruction,  Affordable, and Convenient. 


More than just videos or games, Ignite Learning Company courses are packed with resources to foster student success in math:

  • Step-by-step instructional videos with multiple examples to make learning new concepts stick
  • Worksheets designed to reinforce new skills by giving students a place to practice the skills they learn in the course
  • Homework review videos so students can watch the teacher complete every problem on the worksheets and see which ones they got right or where they went wrong
  • Bonus resources like posters, tips & tricks, skill sheets and more that students can use both during the course and afterwards to make homework easier

Quality Instruction

Research-backed instruction planned & taught by a teacher with real-world experience in 3rd-6th grade general education and special education classrooms:

  • Based on Common Core math standards, lessons cover how math concepts are being taught in today's classrooms plus other tips and strategies to help students gain a deeper understanding
  • Courses focus on skills that are mission critical for success in math, providing help with areas that students tend to struggle with the most whether your student needs to catch up or get ahead
  • No cartoons or voice-overs, students can see their teacher's face during the lessons and even email the teacher directly if they have questions
  • Ignite Learning Company focuses exclusively on helping students in grades 3-6, so all course material is developed specifically with their needs in mind


We believe that all students should be able to get the help they need to succeed in math, and have created our Unlocked course series to be budget-friendly:

  • Ignite Learning Company's Unlocked series courses cost $50 - $100 for an entire course, which includes an average of 10-15 complete lessons
  • One-time payment, and the course is yours to keep and use for as long as you need it
  • High quality material at a price more affordable than private tutoring or group classes, which typically range from $40 per hour up to several hundred dollars per month
  • Need more than one course? Bundle savings are available when purchasing 2 or more courses, and special classroom rates are available if you need to use the course in a group setting


Between extracurricular acitivities, sports, work, and well, life, today's families are busy! Ignite Learning Company courses are designed to fit your schedule:

  • All course materials are available 24/7 within your member portal, so you can access whenever and wherever works best for your family
  • Your child can learn at their own pace, whether that's completing one lesson per week or one lesson per day, you are not locked in to someone else's schedule
  • Word Problems Unlocked is yours to keep, so your child can go back and rewatch lessons whenever they need a bit of extra help
  • No worry about trying to figure out a class time that doesn't conflict with extracurriculars, or paying for classes or tutoring you can't always attend

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