Time To Be the Best Teacher You Can Be
Time to plan. Time to grade papers. Time to decorate your classroom door. Time to learn that new system your district is implementing this year. Time to figure out what you're wearing for crazy hat day. Time to prep for testing, respond to parent emails, attend IEP meetings, write instructions for the substitute, and check on that student who needs a little extra help.
Time to grow and become an even better teacher - because we know you're already a rockstar. Not to mention, time to just have a life outside of school. All of this and time to actually teach, too?
If there's one thing teachers could use more of, it's time. We can't give you all of that time, but we can give you back hours each week with quality, teacher-developed resources to use in your classroom that offer countless ways to save you time and the opportunity to be the best teacher you can be.
One Membership.
So Many Ways to Make Classroom Planning Easier
There is only so much time for math instruction each day and only so many days in a school year, so figuring it all out can take superhero-level planning. Your membership includes multiple resources for each skill, all organized in one place and ready to be plugged in to your weekly plan.

Morning Work
Bellringers. Morning work. Whatever you call it, it can take so much time & effort planning for such a short block of time each day. The worksheets in your membership are ready to go and perfect to give to students weekly, requiring them to complete a few problems at the beginning of class each day. There is even a short video you can show to them at the beginning of each week (or daily if needed) to get them started on the focus skill.

When it comes to math, most teachers agree that the key to a student really mastering a skill is extra practice and periodic review. However, trying to introduce and teach a new skill and provide sufficient instruction and modeling eats up the majority of class time, leaving almost no time for extra practice and thus homework was born. Whether you need math homework to focus on a specific skill all week or a review and preview a mixture of grade level skills, your Math Hero worksheets will come to the rescue.

Not all of your students are at the same level when it comes to math. Some will grasp new skills quickly and be ready for new challenges. Some will need a bit more instruction and practice. And some will be completely confused by a new skill and need the lesson to be retaught perhaps at a slower pace. Since cloning yourself isn't an option, your Math Hero resources can help you provide your students with more instruction, additional examples and extra practice to help you meet their unique needs so they can succeed.

Special Education
Whether you are a special education resource or self-contained teacher your Math Hero membership includes tools that will make teaching different skills to students on multiple levels more manageable. Instead of trying to teach 2-4 different skills at once (impossible!) you can rotate students through instructional time with you, reinforced instruction with a video and critical repeated practice with the worksheets.

Substitutes & Aides
We all deserve a day off, right? Sometimes you can spend so much time & energy trying to prep for a day or two away that it can feel like more work just to get a break. And the last thing you want to do when you're sick is scramble to find materials for your substitute. Your membership resources are great plug & play lessons for your substitute teachers and aides. Plus, we include bonuses like planning sheets and substitute instruction sheets to make it even easier.
How Does It Work?
Start Your Membership Now - Free for 7 DaysIncluded in Your Membership
Packed with resources and available in versions for 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th grades, your Math Hero membership is your secret weapon for teaching math.

Printable Resources
Every single math skill covered comes with printable PDF downloads. These are great extra resources for you or for sharing with aides & substitutes. You can also send home with students or email to parents, so they can be used when doing homework or studying for tests.
- Fact sheet covering the basics: what the skill is, why it's important, and common roadblocks for students
- Skill overview with diagrams, related vocabulary words, and tips for problem-solving
- Example problems, with detailed step-by-step breakdowns

Whether you need a short lesson for morning work or a way to reteach a skill to a struggling student, the video lessons have got you covered.
- A separate video for each skill: most weeks will have 1-3 videos, depending on the skills covered
- On average, the videos are about 5 minutes long making it easy to incorporate into your lesson plans
- Our videos contain a real teacher, teaching the lesson and walking students step-by-step through solving example problems just like you would if you were doing it yourself!

Worksheets are included for each skill, making it easy to provide the repeated practice that students need to really master a new math skill.
- Can be used for homework, morning work, extra credit, or just additional practice
- Come with multiple layouts so you can choose what works best for you, including print-friendly black & white versions
- Answer keys are included for every worksheet

Bonus Materials
But wait, there's more! Seriously, we want you to get the most out of your membership and include bonuses you'll love.
- Additional word problem practice: this is where so many kids get tripped up, especially on tests
- Seasonal math activities to keep learning fun
- Planning sheets, schedules, substitute instructions & more to help keep you on track
Choose the Plan that Works for You
Are You a Math Hero?
Ignite Learning Company's Math Hero membership was created to help 3rd through 6th grade teachers make the most of their time with access to high-quality, teacher-designed math resources - done for you and all in one convenient place. A membership is great for:
- First-time teachers who need all the help they can get as they begin their teaching journey
- Teachers who are moving to a new school or new grade-level this year and could use a jumpstart on resources for their new classroom
- Special education teachers who need materials to help students of multiple grade levels and abilities succeed in math
- Veteran teachers who need to supplement existing curriculum, without spending precious time searching for the right resources

Because We Really Are All in This Together
For better or worse, studies show that between 45 - 95% of parents with kids in grades 3-6 are helping with math homework around once per week. Your Math Hero resources are an amazing arsenal of support for your parents to reference when helping their child complete their homework or study for a test.
With such limited time in the classroom, you rely on homework assignments to provide your students with extra practice to reinforce the math skills and knowledge you work so hard to pour into their brains each day! However, so many times students will comprehend a concept during the lesson and then totally draw a blank when they get home from school and sit down to do their homework.

This is where you can support your students’ parents. They do not remember the order of operations or the difference between standard, expanded and word form any more than you can remember and describe each level of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Our point is, they need help too!
Your membership includes skill fact sheets and overviews with diagrams, vocabulary and tips for problem solving, along with detailed example problems with step-by-step instructions.
You can email the PDF file directly to parents or print and send them home with your students. Your parents will thank you!
Start Now and Be That Teacher This Year
You know the one. That teacher who always seems to have it together. Who has time to do the extra little things to make the school year amazing and memorable. Who somehow manages to do more while seeming less stressed. With so many done-for-you resources included in your membership, you can take back time to focus on what matters most to you.
Still have questions?
Q: How do I know if this membership is right for me?
Q: What if I teach more than one grade level?
Q: Do I need to use the lessons on a specific schedule?
Q: Does Math Hero follow Common Core Standards?

The Ignite Learning Company Promise
We're on a mission to help 3rd - 6th grade students succeed in math, by providing the very best resources to the teachers and parents who lead, serve and work with them every day. Our memberships, courses, and other math are all centered around 4 pillars of value:
- Quality Instruction: Research-backed instruction that's planned & taught by a teacher with real-world experience in 3rd - 6th grade general education and special education classrooms. Based on Common Core Math Standards, lessons cover how math concepts are being taught in today's classrooms plus other tips and strategies to help students gain a deeper understanding.
- Comprehensive: More than just stand-alone worksheets or videos, our lessons were designed with a comprehensive set of resources designed to work together to foster student success in math.
- Affordable: We believe that all teachers and families should be able to have access to resources to help students succeed in math, and have created our memberships & courses to be budget-friendly.
- Convenient: We know you're busier than ever, so we've made all of our resources as convenient as possible. Everything is organized in one central place so you are ready to download, print or press play & go with just a few clicks.
Want to be the first to know about new math resources?
Sign up for email updates and you'll get early access to new classes and exclusive bonus resources to help your 3rd - 6th graders boost math skills, feel more confident completing homework & tests, and get better grades in math this year.