Fractions Unlocked 2:

Expanding Fraction Skills for 4th & 5th Grade


Need help with fractions? Fractions Unlocked 2: Expanding Fraction Skills is an online math tutoring program for 4th and 5th grade students. In this course, students will gain a strong understanding of essential fraction skills like putting fractions in simplest form and common denominators that they will use over and over again both now and in future grades.

This course is perfect for 4th or 5th grade students who need to build a solid foundation for working with fractions.

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Unlocked 2:

Expanding Fraction Skills for 4th & 5th Grade


Need help with fractions? Fractions Unlocked 2: Expanding Fraction Skills is an online math tutoring program for 4th and 5th grade students. In this course, students will gain a strong understanding of essential fraction skills like putting fractions in simplest form and common denominators that they will use over and over again both now and in future grades.

This course is perfect for 4th or 5th grade students who need to build a solid foundation for working with fractions.

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See What's Included

Beginning with the 3rd grade year, a new set of foundational skills are introduced that are mission critical to future math success: multiplication & division facts, and FRACTIONS.

In grades 3-6, students build an extremely important foundational knowledge of fractions as they learn how to model and perform operations with them. All of these skills are heavily relied upon as students progress through 6th and into 7th and 8th grades. Mastering fractions in these earlier grade levels is critical for students' future success in middle school math and beyond, where almost every new math skill they will be confronted with will contain a fractional element. Success in fractions = success in upper elementary and middle school math.

But many students have trouble understanding fractions. According to 2022 national test results, last year 74% of 4th grade students were not able to correctly answer true or false questions asking them to compare fractions. This is a skill typically taught in 3rd grade, and one of the easier fraction skills they will learn!

If your child needs help understanding fractions, you are in the right place. Fractions Unlocked 2 is the roadmap they need to achieve success working with fractions in 4th and 5th grade math, while building a strong foundation for more complex operations with fractions in later grades.

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What's Included in

Fractions Unlocked 2: Expanding Fraction Skils


In Fractions Unlocked 2: Expanding Fraction Skills, students will grow their knowledge of fractions through a series of 15 lessons. This course is all about expanding essential 4th & 5th grade fraction skills that students will use over and over again, such as putting a fraction in simplest form and finding common denominators.

Check out the highlights of each lesson below to see what your student will learn during the course.

Lesson 1:

Equivalent Fractions

This lesson first reviews with students how to generate equivalent fractions using area models and number line models.  We say review because students did learn this skill in Fractions Unlocked: An Introduction to Fractions.  After a quick review, the lesson moves on to teach students how they can generate equivalent fractions using multiplication.

Lesson 2:

Putting a Fraction in Simplest Form Using a Model

When it comes to fraction skills that will be used throughout almost the entirety of math, simplifying fractions is probably one at the top of the list.  But what are you actually doing when you simplify a fraction?  This lesson explores and answers that question by teaching students how to put a fraction in simplest form using a model to ensure that they have an understanding of what the skill actually accomplishes.

Lesson 3:

Putting a Fraction in Simplest Form Using Division

In lesson 3 the models take the backseat as students learn how to put a fraction in simplest form using division. First up in the lesson, students will receive a quick review of factors and common factors to prepare them for simplifying fractions.  The teacher shares the definition of a fraction in simplest form and explores how to determine if a fraction is in simplest form.  Finally, students are walked through simplifying fractions step by step.

Lesson 4:

Common Denominators

Renaming fractions so that they have common denominators is another crucial skill for students to master and feel comfortable with. Since it also requires students to draw upon prior knowledge of  listing multiples and generating equivalent fractions, it can seem overwhelming at first.  Lesson 4 both reviews previously learned skills and teaches students how to rename two fractions as fractions with common denominators.

Lesson 5:

Comparing Fractions

In lesson 5 students learn a new strategy for comparing fractions by using the benchmarks 0, ½ and 1.  They also get to use their newly acquired skill of renaming fractions with a common denominator to compare two fractions that may be challenging to compare using benchmarks.  Finally, students review the “cross multiply up” trick that is always a favorite and can be used to compare any two fractions when your multiplication facts are on point!

Lesson 6:

Ordering Fractions

Lesson 6 begins with a review of all of the strategies to use when comparing fractions students have learned thus far in the Fractions Unlocked course series (including Introduction to Fractions and Fractions Expanded).  Students learn how to next strategically apply those strategies to put a set of 3 to4 fractions in order from least to greatest and greatest to least. Additional instruction is given on how to also apply these skills to complete inequality statements with fractions.

Lesson 7:

Adding and Subtracting Fractions

In lesson 7 students will learn how to add and subtract fractions that have the same denominators.  First they are introduced to how to model fractional addition and subtraction sentences which includes how to write their own addition or subtraction sentence from a given model.  Next they learn to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator by adding or subtracting the numerators.

Lesson 8:

Converting Mixed Numbers Using Models

Now entering the arena in lesson 8, Mixed Numbers! Up to this point students have worked with fractional amounts greater than one in the form of an “improper fraction,” also known as a “fraction greater than one.”  In this lesson, students will learn what mixed numbers are, how to model them, and how to use those models to convert a mixed number into a fraction greater than one and vice versa.

Lesson 9:

Converting Mixed Numbers Without Models

In lesson 9 the models are taken away as students explore computational strategies for renaming mixed numbers and fractions greater than 1.  To remember the steps for changing a mixed number to an improper fraction we’ve got an extra cheesy saying that is sure to get stuck in students’ heads to make this skill easy!  For changing an improper fraction to a mixed number, students will learn how to use mental math first followed by checking their work with the long division strategy.

Lesson 10:

Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers

Now that students have been introduced to mixed numbers and understand the fractional amounts they represent, it is time to begin performing operations with mixed numbers.  Lesson 10 teaches students how to add and subtract mixed numbers that have the same denominator.  In addition students will learn how to deal with “special case” answers that come up when adding and subtracting mixed numbers that need to be renamed (e.g. 3 4/4 or 2 8/5).

Lesson 11:

Subtracting Mixed Numbers with Renaming

In lesson 11 students learn that sometimes when subtracting mixed numbers they will encounter situations where they cannot initially subtract because the numerator of the first mixed number is smaller than the numerator of the second mixed number.  They go on to learn that just like when subtracting with whole numbers, sometimes regrouping (or renaming) is required to be able to subtract.

Lesson 12:

Adding Fractions with Denominators of 10 and 100

In lesson 12 students scratch the surface of adding fractions with unlike denominators by exploring how to add two fractions together that have denominators of 10 and 100.  Drawing knowledge from what they learned earlier in the course in lesson 4, students use the skill of generating an equivalent fraction to rename the addend with a denominator of 10 so that both fractions have the common denominator of 100.

Lesson 13:

Multiplying Fractions and Mixed Numbers

In lesson 13 students first explore with models the relationship between multiplying a fraction times a whole number and repeated addition (e.g. ⅙ + ⅙ + ⅙ is the same as 3 x ⅙ ). Using this knowledge they learn how to decompose fractions into a sum of unit fractions or other fractions and thus how to write a fraction as the product of a whole number and a unit fraction. Finally students learn the basic algorithm and strategies for multiplying fractions and mixed numbers times whole numbers.

Lesson 14:

Problem Solving with Fractions Part 1

In lesson 14 students are challenged to think critically with their fraction skills they have gained throughout the course and apply their knowledge to solve word problems where the new math they have learned meets the real world. This lesson specifically reviews best practices for solving word problems, then provides students with instruction on solving word problems that utilize the following skills: generating equivalent fractions using multiplication, comparing fractions, writing a fraction in simplest form, and renaming fractions with a common denominator.

Lesson 15:

Problem Solving with Fractions Part 2

The ultimate demonstration of math skill mastery is to successfully understand and apply it to real world situations. This lesson picks up where lesson 14 left off and provides instruction on solving word problems that utilize the following fraction skills: adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers with common denominators, renaming fractions greater than 1 as mixed numbers and vice versa, and multiplying fractions and mixed numbers times whole numbers. 

Expanding Fraction Skills for 4th and 5th Grade Students

Fractions Unlocked: Expanding Fraction Skills was developed based on fraction skills usually introduced in the 4th grade and used heavily in the 5th grade. Keep in mind that many times when students in subsequent grades struggle with fractions it can be due to the fact that they never understood fractions in their previous grades to begin with and need to go back and review. This course is perfect for current and rising 4th or 5th graders who need to gain a better understanding of fractions.

How does it work?

Each lesson has two videos and a printable homework sheet, all designed to follow the evidence-based teaching practice of explicit instruction in which new math skills are taught through initial instruction, teacher-guided practice, and then independent practice.

Engaging Video Lesson

Students watch an engaging video lesson as a real teacher provides step-by-step instruction on a new skill. Then, they will follow along as their teacher works through multiple example problems, modeling not only how to solve them but how to think through each step so they will be ready to tackle problems on their own.

Printable Practice Worksheet

After the lesson, students will complete a worksheet designed to give them real practice applying what they have learned by solving similar problems. Independent practice increases a student’s chance of mastering new skills and of retaining what they have learned, so that they will have the ability to apply it in the future. 

Homework Review Video

After completing the worksheet, students watch this video to see each problem being worked out by the teacher. This allows them to can check their work and see which problems they got right as well as the correct way to solve any problem they may have missed.

Engaging Video Lesson

Students watch an engaging video lesson as a real teacher provides step-by-step instruction on a new skill. Then, they will follow along as their teacher works through multiple example problems, modeling not only how to solve them but how to think through each step so they will be ready to tackle problems on their own.

Printable Practice Worksheet

After the lesson, students will complete a worksheet designed to give them real practice applying what they have learned by solving similar problems. Independent practice increases a student’s chance of mastering new skills and of retaining what they have learned, so that they will have the ability to apply it in the future. 

Homework Review Video

After completing the worksheet, students watch this video to see each problem being worked out by the teacher. This allows them to can check their work and see which problems they got right as well as the correct way to solve any problem they may have missed.

Close the Gap on Fractions, Starting Today

Enroll your student today and watch as they master essential fraction skills that they will use over and over again in 4th & 5th grade and beyond. Fractions Unlocked 2: Expanding Fraction Skills includes all 15 lessons plus the course guide with worksheets and additional resources.

Plus, for a limited time, you will receive extra bonuses when you purchase including a FREE Word Problems course and a LIVE one-on-one session with your instructor!

BUY NOW FOR $59.99

Is an online course right for your student?


Finding help for your student in math can be a challenge. While there are an overwhelming number of options, it is often hard to find the one that seems just right for your child.

At Ignite Learning Company, we believe that there are many advantages to an online digital course for students, from more in-depth instruction to the ability to go back and rewatch lessons if needed to help with the actual homework they're doing for class. 

Fractions Unlocked 2: Expanding Fraction Skills is part of our Unlocked online course series and was created with these 4 pillars of value in mind for today's families and students: Comprehensive, Quality Instruction,  Affordable, and Convenient. 



More than just videos or games, Ignite Learning Company courses are packed with resources to foster student success in math:

  • Step-by-step instructional videos with multiple examples to make learning new concepts stick
  • Worksheets designed to reinforce new skills by giving students a place to practice the skills they learn in the course
  • Homework review videos so students can watch the teacher complete every problem on the worksheets and see which ones they got right or where they went wrong
  • Bonus resources like posters, tips & tricks, skill sheets and more that students can use both during the course and afterwards to make homework easier

Quality Instruction


Research-backed instruction planned & taught by a teacher with real-world experience in 3rd-6th grade general education and special education classrooms:

  • Based on Common Core math standards, lessons cover how math concepts are being taught in today's classrooms plus other tips and strategies to help students gain a deeper understanding
  • Courses focus on skills that are mission critical for success in math, providing help with areas that students tend to struggle with the most whether your student needs to catch up or get ahead
  • No cartoons or voice-overs, students can see their teacher's face during the lessons and even email the teacher directly if they have questions
  • Ignite Learning Company focuses exclusively on helping students in grades 3-6, so all course material is developed specifically with their needs in mind



We believe that all students should be able to get the help they need to succeed in math, and have created our Unlocked course series to be budget-friendly:

  • Ignite Learning Company's Unlocked series courses cost $50 - $100 for an entire course, which includes an average of 10-15 complete lessons
  • One-time payment, and the course is yours to keep and use for as long as you need it
  • High quality material at a price more affordable than private tutoring or group classes, which typically range from $40 per hour up to several hundred dollars per month
  • Need more than one course? Bundle savings are available when purchasing 2 or more courses, and special classroom rates are available if you need to use the course in a group setting



Between extracurricular acitivities, sports, work, and well, life, today's families are busy! Ignite Learning Company courses are designed to fit your schedule:

  • All course materials are available 24/7 within your member portal, so you can access whenever and wherever works best for your family
  • Your child can learn at their own pace, whether that's completing one lesson per week or one lesson per day, you are not locked in to someone else's schedule
  • Fractions Unlocked is yours to keep, so your child can go back and rewatch lessons whenever they need a bit of extra help
  • No worry about trying to figure out a class time that doesn't conflict with extracurriculars, or paying for classes or tutoring you can't always attend

Frequently Asked Questions

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Ready to Get Started?

Enroll your student today and you will get immediate access to Fractions Unlocked 2: Expanding Fraction Skills, including all 15 lessons plus the course guide with worksheets and additional resources.

Plus, for a limited time, you will receive extra bonuses when you purchase including a FREE Word Problems course and a LIVE one-on-one session with your instructor!

FREE Grade-Level Fractions Guide

We know that a great deal of math homework horror stories often contain a common underlying theme of fractions. We want to provide you with a solution to help you and your student understand and master fractions. We decided to go deeper on the most significant and challenging fraction concepts for each grade level 3rd-6th. That is just what you will find in this guide: guidance, explanations and step by step directions to help you and your student solve the most important and/or difficult to master fraction skills for their grade level. 

Choose Your Grade and Download Now

We know that a great deal of math homework horror stories often contain a common underlying theme of fractions. We want to provide you with a solution to help you and your student understand and master fractions. We decided to go deeper on the most significant and challenging fraction concepts for each grade level 3rd-6th. That is just what you will find in this guide: guidance, explanations and step by step directions to help you and your student solve the most important and/or difficult to master fraction skills for their grade level. 

Get Your Free Guide Now

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