Math Skills Review & Preview: Mid-Year Edition
Dec 13, 2022The official countdown is on for the end of the 2nd nine weeks grading period! This is your friendly reminder to take time to review key concepts your student should have mastered during the 2nd quarter of school and preview those critical skills that will appear in the 3rd quarter. For more on the benefits of Review/Preview, check out Make the Most Out of the Middle: Review & Preview.
These are key skills that were most likely covered during the 2nd quarter of the school year. Ensure that your student will be ready to move on in January by Reviewing the following depending on their grade level.
3rd Grade:
- Multiplication and Division Facts: Are you 3rd grade parents growing tired of reading about this skill? Welp, sorry not sorry, it’s that important to your student’s future success in math! Download our FREE 3rd grade Winter Math Skill Builder resource on multiplication facts and set your student up for success!
- Solving Word Problems with Multiplication and/or Division: If your student(s) has trouble understanding when to add, subtract, multiply or divide to solve a word problem, enrolling them in Word Problems Unlocked for 3rd Grade is a no brainer!
4th Grade:
- Long Division: Long division is very new and unlike anything your student has ever done before in math. It is not uncommon for this to be very difficult for students at first and extra practice is the key! Check out our Math Tutorial Mini Video on Long Division.
- Factors and Multiples: These skills were probably covered for your 4th grader recently and will continue to be a critical skill during the 3rd nine weeks as they apply it to other new skills such as putting a fraction in simplest form and comparing fractions by finding a common denominator. Our FREE 4th Grade Winter Math Skill Builder resource on factors and multiples is just what you need to help your student stay sharp on this skill.
5th Grade:
- Adding and Subtracting Decimals: When reviewing this skill, it its important to specifically focus on and practice the following: correctly writing problems by stacking the numbers and ensuring that the decimals are aligned, adding “placeholder zeros” where necessary, and making sure to include the decimal in the answer.
- Multiplying and Dividing Decimals: For multiplying decimals, be sure to review: correctly writing the problem by aligning the digits from right to left and not aligning the decimal, and correct placement of the decimal in the answer. For dividing decimals, review how to remove the decimal point from the divisor when one is present, adding zeros to the dividend when necessary, and correct placement of the decimal point in the answer.
6th Grade:
- Solving Problems Involving Ratios: Hint: Word problems involving ratios and proportions are one of the most common types of word problems students will encounter in grades 6th-8th. Be on the lookout for our NEW 6th grade focused Word Problems Unlocked Course coming soon in the near future!
- Solving Problems Involving Unit Rates: A unit rate is the value of 1 unit. 6th grade students specifically need to review finding unit rates to make comparisons. For example: An online game offers the option to purchase “game bucks.” You can purchase 1,500 game bucks for $7.99 or 3,300 game bucks for $19.99. Which option is the better deal?
Heads up! During the 3rd Quarter of the school year, new math quests await! Make sure your student is ready for their journey by previewing with them the skills listed under their corresponding grade level.
3rd Grade:
- Understanding Fractions: Representing a fraction in a variety of models including area models (shapes), number line models, and set models.
- Comparing and Ordering Fractions: Comparing fractions using >, < and = , and putting a given set of fractions in order from least to greatest or greatest to least.
{Be on the lookout for our new course, Fractions Unlocked: 3rd Grade, coming January 2023!}
4th Grade:
- Generate Equivalent Fractions: Students will review what equivalent fractions are and learn how to generate equivalent fractions through putting a fraction in simplest form, finding common denominators, and using multiplication.
- Rename a Mixed Number to Subtract: Just like when subtracting whole numbers, sometimes regrouping is required, the same thing can happen when subtracting two mixed numbers. Be sure to refer to our Ultimate Guide to Fourth Grade Math, for more information on this skill.
5th Grade:
- Adding and Subtracting Fractions with Unlike Denominators: Students will be using their knowledge of multiples and equivalent fractions to find common denominators in order to add and subtract fractions. For an in depth look at this skill refer to our Ultimate Guide to Fifth Grade Math.
- Multiplying Fractions: Students begin by multiplying a fraction by a whole number and move on to multiplying fractions by other fractions and finally learn how to multiply mixed numbers.
6th Grade:
- Writing and Interpreting Expressions and Equations: Download our FREE 6th grade Winter Math Skill Builder resource on Expressions and Equations to learn more about this skill and give your student a head start on success in the 3rd quarter.
- Solving Algebraic Equations: Students learn how to solve basic one-step equations using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
This time of year is perfect for applying a Review & Preview strategy for both parents and teachers. Parents have the opportunity to sit down with their students over winter break for a study session before they head back to school in January. For teachers, we all know that it is next to impossible to stick to a schedule and have a normal “lesson” during that last week of school leading up to break. Providing mini lessons on these skills provide a nice solution for a flexible instructional plan while also being highly beneficial for students!
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